Enoch Nyador
Greetings from Ghana, West Africa from where I am preparing to come to the U.S.A by August 30, 2017 to do my third and final round of speaking in churches, colleges and homes in preparation of ICOM 2017 which will take place in Peoria, IL from November 16 to 19. I have been very well received everywhere I have gone on my first two tours through Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts , Iowa and Delaware. I thank all who have hosted me in their homes, churches and offices and showed me warm hospitality, especially Dave Empson, Executive Director of ICOM and his wife Sheree as well as Robin White, Director of Development of Ghana Christian Mission and his wife Belinda.

I look forward to meeting you all in Peoria, IL so that we may worship, fellowship and learn under the theme “TOGETHER, God’s Plan to Redeem the world” based on Ephesians 4:1-16. I continue to receive positive and encouraging comments on this theme everywhere I go. I can feel that men, women, youth, professionals, politicians, Americans, Africans, Europeans, Asians, believers from diverse ethnicities  and language backgrounds are poised to explore new, deeper and challenging ways to network, collaborate and create synergy for the work of God on this planet. Helen Keller once said “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.

I want to share a story of how God continues to create opportunities for like-minded people in missions to network more and more for Kingdom results. At the North American Christian Convention (NACC) in Kansas City this June, I was in line to get some food on the closing day when I noticed that the one in front of me was Greg Pruett, President of Pioneers Bible Translators. We started a conversation on possible ways to collaborate between our fieldworks in Ghana and Guinea Conakry, both in West Africa, and quickly found mutual grounds to compliment soul-winning and teaching efforts on both fields.

Furthermore, we discovered that both of us had talked earlier in the day to different team leaders for Stadia, Brent Foulke, Resource Development Executive and Phyllis Fox – Marketing Director, about collaboration among our different organizations to enhance our various missions endeavors.  The result is ongoing correspondence and brainstorming about exploratory field surveys in the near future. How exciting that Ghana Christian Mission, Pioneers Bible Translators and Stadia could be working together for the spread of the Gospel in West Africa! ICOM exists to facilitate more and more of such networking.

May I ask you to continue to pray for all the Speakers, Workshop Leaders, Exhibitors, Volunteers and hundreds of people who are working behind the scene to make ICOM 2017 in Peoria, IL a gathering to impact all of us who will attend so that we may return to our various corners of the world to continue to work TOGETHER to encourage, equip and enlist new workers for the harvest.