Every Monday morning, the Honduran AJS* staff gathers for prayer and worship beneath this mural, which reads: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear.”  I John 4:8

The man pictured is Dionisio Garcia, a lawyer who worked for AJS, defending poor security guards and cleaning women against exploitive employers.  His fearless work earned victories for some of Honduras’ most vulnerable – but it also angered some of Honduras’ most powerful.

In December 2006, Dioniso was killed by two men on a motorcycle, while driving to court to present a case against a major security guard company.

Brave Christians in Honduras are putting their lives on the line by directly fighting one of the most corrupt governments, police forces and educational systems in Central America.  Some have been killed, others have had to flee the country, and yet many remain to bring “just-ness” to their country’s men, women and children.

  • From 2010 to 2013, Honduras had the HIGHEST HOMICIDE RATE in the world. AJS investigators, lawyers, social workers and other brave Christians have worked together to see a 75% REDUCTION in homicides in one of Honduras’ most violent communities.
  • Before AJS intervention, 26% of Honduran schoolteachers were MISSING FROM THE CLASSROOM. Today LESS THAN 1% of teachers are missing from the classroom.

This group of 150 Honduran Christian professionals and 1,000’s of volunteers are no longer letting evil men have their way.  These brave Christ-followers are on the trajectory of radically changing Honduras!

  • PRAY for AJS workers to fearlessly move forward in establishing justice in Honduras
  • PRAY for government and company leaders to fear God above all others
  • PRAY for the vulnerable of Honduras to be freed from oppression and realize it is Jesus who ultimately sets them free.

*AJS – Association for a More Just Society: www.ajs-us.org